New Mexico‘s 1Sovergn Is Making Major Moves in 2023

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New Mexico‘s 1Sovergn Is Making Major Moves in 2023

March 10
12:50 2023


New Mexico is a state that is rarely mentioned when it comes to the music industry. When people mention hip hop; most people think of Atlanta, Chicago, Texas, New York and Los Angeles. However, a new artist has recently emerged from New Mexico; his name is 1Sovergn and his musical ability is astounding! Originally from a city called Hobb, Sovergn has been creating music for the past four years. Sov has gained recent notoriety from his viral new release titled “Colossians 1:16”. 1Sov began making music with his cousin and it was something that inspired Sov to keep going. In 2018 Sov dropped his first mixtape ever, this mixtape created a buzz for 1Sovergn and his unique wordplay. While still in high school, Sov played sports and created music everyday! According to 1Sovergn, “I knew I had a purpose in music, even though I was playing sports by day”.

Sov would go on to drop an arrangement of songs, he spoke a lot about what he was familiar withz During this time Sov had a calling! According to Sov, “God was telling me that he called me into music to uplift His glory and nothing else.” It was then that Sov realized that he can make music the same as the popular artists, but for the goodness of God. This decision would be life changing for 1Sovergn.

Sov went from reciting lyrics about guns and killing; to life, faith, and truth. Sovergn was transitioning to a better place, he even received his artist name in a dream. According to 1Sov “ it’s very important what you name yourself, the spirit gave my name after I woke up”. Sovergn made it his duty to speak life to the people through his music. One thing that is undeniable is 1SOVERGN is authentic, he’s fearless. 1Sovergn proves that you can still turn up and be lit, while glorifying God. 1Sovergn has a message that’s needed in our communities, and the music is actually fire! It appears that 1Sov has found a way to revolutionize the hip hop culture.

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Company Name: Ondummy
Contact Person: Sovergn
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Country: Mexico
